Graphic designer living in Tokyo. Started individual activities as a graphic designer in 2018 . In recent years, he has been designing artist goods and paper media, We are making original goods.
Instagram: noi
Born in 1987. Graduated from Kuwasawa Design School. Active in various media such as movies, music, magazines, CD jackets, and visual production for apparel brands. There are various ways of expression such as line drawing and painting. In 2017, he launched the seasonless brand “ukabuapparel”. Active in Japan and abroad. I like music and movies (especially horror).
Instagram: norahi
After graduating from Musashino Art University, worked as a sock designer, designer, and illustrator. He works on illustrations and works with motifs that tickle his curiosity. Line drawings, acrylic paintings, sculptures, etc. Encourage creation of works in the spirit of research.
From 2021, he will launch his own original sock brand “Bobby.sox”. I will express myself by making various works through socks and spreading the knowledge of Japanese sock making, which is the result of many years of research.
Living in Tokyo. Based in the UK from 2022.
Instagram: mirei_nelson